Established in South Africa in 1995, LiveWIRE is offered in more than 17 countries globally and has uplifted young entrepreneurs that in turn become active members of society and contributors to the rise of the economy.

Shell is proud to be part of the socio-economic development in this country. We believe that the programme will prepare young people with relevant skills that meet market demands. The programme supports the country’s current priority and strategy of minimising poverty, unemployment and inequality and to power the development of the youth.

The ultimate aim is to contribute towards creating a sturdy culture of small and medium sized entrepreneurs (SME) and to build the knowledge, skill and capabilities of these SME in the country.

LiveWIRE reflects Shell’s commitment and shared value in society where we operate by creating a pipeline of our future suppliers and helping our youth start viable businesses that will sustain both them and communities they operate in, while addressing skills shortage and the improvement of labour market competencies of the communities is of importance to Shell.